A Needy Generation

A Needy Generation

I sometimes wonder if I’m the only one who thinks that this generation has an insanely needy attitude towards not only each other, but things. I see it in facebook posts, in newly published novels, in conversations at school, on tv, everyone “needs” their boyfriend or girlfriend, they “need” to be with them every time something bad happens or it’s been a whole 24 hours, they “need” a best friend they can tell everything to and always depend on, everyone needs this and that in our generation. While I might be coming off as judgmental and annoyed, I’m not. I’m genuinely concerned about how far this attitude of dependency is going to go and I completely admit to being at fault for this in my lifetime.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that people need other people and I don’t think that we are meant to do everything by ourselves by any means. Some of the happiest people I know are married, I’ve seen even teenagers grow and become better within their relationships with both friends and significant others. What really bothers me though, is this attitude that without another person or thing, we are incomplete. Without another specific person, I won’t be able to overcome my depression or run the five miles I could if they were here. I strongly believe we are all whole and complete people on our own. We are not half a heart that needs to find our missing piece, we are not lost souls until we find a partner. We are complete as we are, not that there isn’t also constant room for growth.

I think this is something our generation is slowly but surely forgetting. I see it in books and movies being published today where the main characters happy ending always involves that magic kiss or finding “the one”. Sure, there are other things that make a happy ending, they save the world, or all the townspeople are saved, they find the lost dog, etc, etc. But everyone’s still holding their breath it seems like until that heart warming moment where the passionate romance unfolds just far enough to secure their happiness. I don’t know if I’m the only one who sees this, but it seems like we do the same thing in our lives – years upon years of holding our breath till that marriage proposal or perfect kiss. Regardless, I hope I’m not the only one who sees a problem with this.